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100 Club of Southeast Texas

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100 Club of Southeast Texas


Quality Mat and YMBL Donate $50,000.00
to The 100 Club of Southeast Texas

Donation will be used to fund a Single Death Benefit.


BEAUMONT, Texas, May 31, 2012 –This partnership continues to support our local police and firemen.  It also insures the quality of life for those surviving families of police and firemen who tragically lose their lives in the line of duty. 

“We are very happy to be able to partner with Quality
Mat and support The 100 Club of Southeast Texas,” said Mark McAdams,2012President of the YMBL. “Being able to do this together will hopefully encourage other local business and organizations similar to the YMBL to do this sort of thing together”.
The YMBL is able to make a contribution like this because of the250,000people that attend the 11-day South Texas State Fair, which is the YMBL’s only yearly fundraiser.
Formed in 1917, the YMBL contributes thousands of
dollars each year to other civic and charitable groups in need of financial
support. Some of the many community organizations that received support from the YMBL and its more than 900 members include:

American Cancer Society, American Red Cross, Boys Haven, Girls Haven, Julie Rogers “Gift of Life” Program just to name a few.


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